Friday, February 18, 2011

Reflections on my Pedicure

I feel bad for my current and well any of my Pedicurist. My feet are currently in disarray and really inappropriate for public but here I am, torchering the poor girl. I don't really feel bad. And I'm definitely not one of those people concerned that my feet are being critiqued in Vietnamese or any other Asian language. I know they are. I would if I were them. But when it comes down to it, they chose the job and I need, no deserve to be pampered.

I also tend feel bad because, like the wonderful Powell sisters, my feet are incredibly ticklish and this is only intensified when they put in the Herculean elbow grease needed to make these babies soft. But the massaging. . . Well that's damn near heaven.

But I tip them well and don't feel nearly as bad for my manicurist (although I am much more critical) and go on my way with the belief that someone with tougher, even more manly feet will come along. Maybe they look back and think "you know, her feet weren't that bad after all." Either way. . . I look and feel fancy. Mission accomplished.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Awesome Power of a Work Out

It's amazing what a really good workout can do for the psyche.  I mean an hour long, sweat your ass off workout.  With the music blaring and you don't care who sees you rock out because in that moment, you are the only one in the gym.  You can be beaten down, walked all over, given up hope but when you drag your ass out of the gym and have to rev your car out of first gear because your legs don't work right you know you can take on the world.  And while you rocked out to some angry "I am woman, hear me roar" stuff in the gym, in the car its the "Yeah I'm awesome, deal with it" rap that gets you going.  You go from "What's next" to "Let's do this bitches!"  When you fall out the habit, when working out its on your radar, you forget this feeling.  But once you find it again, it's almost addicting.

So now, instead of being let down, I'm empowered.  To make a change.  To find what's next.  To finish what I start.  To stop sabotaging myself.  To be a better me.  To blow the lid off this shit and show the world how spectacular I am.

As 50 Cent put it so eloquently (and loudly) on my way home:
"Hate or Love the Underdog is on top
And I'm gonna shine homie until my heart stops.
Go 'head and envy me
I'm raps MVP
And I ain't goin no where so you can get to know me."

And who knows people, maybe I am raps next MVP. . .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Here We Go. . .

I am entering the "blogosphere" if you will, this lovely evening, for many reasons.  One reason would be my career.  I am a marketing rockstar but to grow to a superstar I need to become much more fluent in social media marketing.  I'm down with facebook and twitter but I need to branch out and it beings with very own blog.   Another reason is the journey.  The introspection that goes along with typing alone.  I haven't done that in quite awhile and it's about time I figured out how I got to where I am and how I get to where I want to go.  And let's not kid ourselves, having people follow my blog. . .it's like crack to a person who knows that somehow, someday, she will be famous.

I already know some of the challenges that will arise.  Time being number one.  I already don't have much of it (but have done better making time for myself in 2011) and it's easy to make excuses.  The other . . .there is only one person in the world that I care what they think of me.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and the day she asked me to marry her was the happiest day of my life (outside of the actual wedding).  But somehow, when you go from just friends to falling in love . . . well, I ended up worrying what she thinks.  It's for better and for worse and I need to figure out how to make it better.   How to feel more confident in my own skin again but this time as a McGuire.

So it begins . . .